“Cars First” is not a Progressive Policy Position.

So-called "Progressive" talk show host John “Sly” Sylvester doubled down on the “Cars First” rhetoric last Friday, flipping his rationale from “because we pay...

Transportation Budget up for Vote on Friday…

Late Update: Most transportation issues have been pushed off until next week.  JFC ended up passing a motion with reduced cuts to the Stewardship...

JFC Co-Chairs Plan to Drop a Highway Bomb on Future Generations

...we can’t expect one generation to pick up the load for all these projects at the same time... Unfortunately, these projects are all coming to fruition at the same time... it’s up to us to figure out what are we going to do to continue...

Will Scott Walker Choose Superhighway Socialism?

Scott Walker will be delivering his third State of the State address tonight at 7pm. Infrastructure is among the five priorities he has been...

It’s Time to Maximize the Return on State Highway Spending

With Wisconsin’s State Senate flipping back to Republican control, Scott Walker is now has a clear path to implement his agenda.  Walker has stated...

Maybe Republicans Will Come Round on Global Warming Now?

The record-setting heat we have been experiencing this week may actually help convince Republicans to change their stance on global warming. It is not...

$25 State Bike Fee Possible

A followup question from Rep. Nygren to the DOT about raising fees on bicyclists has been answered in a recent Legislative Fiscal Bureau Paper...

Cracking the Conservative Transportation Frame

With a promised audit of WISDOT in the works, now is a good time to reflect on how conservatives on Wisconsin’s joint audit committee...

Walker Proposes Rollback of Complete Streets

Governor Walker's budget address on February third is getting a lot of press for the $1.3 billion of borrowing for transportation, but there is...

Complain About Alternative Transportation on Leap Day!

With this being a leap-year, and the great day fast approaching, I hereby declare February 29th as "Complain about alternative transportation day."   So how about...

Fact Checking the N. Sherman Critics.

Madison’s Common Council voted to reconfigure N. Sherman Ave from a four-lane to a two-way with a center left turn lane. During the testimony, several issues were raised by opponents, and rehashed later on talk radio that I would like to fact-check for posterity.

Put Our Transportation Problems on the Radar!

According to WISDOT, the next State budget will have $680 million more in planned transportation spending than is projected to come in from gas...