Who attended the Neighborhood Summit?

One spin, from Tim Cooley, the Economic Development Director would be that it was only 10% of the neighborhoods in the city. Here's some facts for you to determine for yourself . . . pesky facts.

“Broken” Process Primer, Major Updates

For those of you looking for the background materials and information about the development process, here's a compilation of everything I could find. ...

Council Tonight: Not on the Consent Agenda

Walgreens, Overture and dogs.

TIF “Discussion” – Live blog kinda.

Oh boy - I got here a little late . . . and the room is packed, they are taking more public testimony - I'm on the floor in the hallway . . . again. Can't see the committee, but can hear . . . .

The Sure to be Completely Incomplete Week Ahead (City, of course)

I got home last night and looked at the Weekly schedule and the Common Council meeting wasn't even on there yet. No kidding. They've added 5 meetings in an hour this morning, so I'm going to get this one done a little more slowly as more meetings appear. This is absurd, annoying and awful for democracy, but maybe that isn't what the city really wants. Sometimes, actions speak louder than words.

101 Ways the City of Madison Would Be Different . . .

If I were Mayor . . .

The Chamber of Commerce and their “Presumptive Approval”

Yesterday the Chamber of Commerce put out their press release, stating what they think is "broken" with the development process and noting their recommendations. I'm not sure their main recommendation is all that practical or will get them what they want. Talk about unintended consequences.

Mega Round Up

I hate it when I take a few days off from blogging . . . I never know how much to try to catch...

Ugly Picture for Funding for Local Non-Profits

At the last public hearing on the budget, the Mayor seemed confused by non-profits coming forward saying they were getting cut by 20 and 30%. He said we'd be held harmless this year. Too bad he's not paying better attention. Here's a taste of who is getting cut at the moment . . . Community Services Commission meets tonight to decide who might get additional funding. When we have 17% of our population in the City of Madison living in poverty, this is ugly, ugly news.

Alleged Gang Members Denied Due Process

This is an awful policing tactic, why bother with evidence and probable cause and all those pesky rights and due process afforded people in our criminal justice system if you can just accuse them of something they have not done yet and get them deported without letting them have an opportunity to defend themselves . . . and this time, its not the Sheriff, its the Madison Police Department . . .

Blaska Fact Check: Section 8 Causes Crime

Ok, so, I don't read Blaska's blog, it gives me a headache. It's hard to follow, it doesn't make sense and facts seem irrelevant. So, I just ignore it . . . however . . .

NOM in Madison: Nobody Shows

The National Organization for Marriage's (NOM) appearance at the Wisconsin State Capitol today was lots of hype and not much substance.  The organization dedicated to...