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State of Wisconsin news.

Silent Auction Items for Tonight

Great holiday shopping opportunities, and you can help a great cause (Tenant Resource Center) at the same time!

What Should the Future of Coal in Downtown Madison Be?

Is your grey house actually white? Recently developed breathing issues you never had before? Often wonder what those smoke stacks are spewing...

Budgeting . . . and Republicans.

Today I had the opportunity to hear various state elected Democrats talk a bit about their political struggles in the legislature. I was...

Mid-week Round Up

Landlords threaten to not move everyone on August 15th, 10 year rule claims another victim, reserve your park shelter, bed bugs, Kenton Peter's hotel,...

WISPIRG Funding Report Follow up

Earlier this week I posted a quick heads up: WISPIRG Releases a Must Read Report on Road Funding. On Wednesday I talked with WISPIRG's...

Changes to Non-Emergency Police Call Handling

This was discussed last month at the Public Safety Review Committee (fwiw - former Alder Eli Judge says it was a good discussion and...

Spending another evening with the Public Works and Transportation Committee

I went there for the Vehicle Registration Fee discussion . . . but got an extra gem while Supervisors where shifting agendas as they...

Open Forum On Tenant’s Rights Tonight

Tonight, March 29, at 5:30 pm at the Fifth Quarter Studio (2nd Floor) in Union South. there will be an open forum on the past and future of tenants rights in Wisconsin.

New Rule – Voting

New Rule: When the Wisconsin Republican Party, prosecutes BS likes this: n the town of Albion, new residents and young people who have...

Don’t Take Your Guns To Town…

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall...

Dr. Martin Luther King Celebration (County) Week Ahead

I did my best, its always hard without seeing attachments that go with the agendas.TUESDAY,JANUARY 19, 20105:00 p.m. HEALTH & HUMAN NEEDS COMMITTEE/HUMAN SERVICES...

Kyle Szarzynski: Is Dianne Hesselbein really pro-immigrant?

She certainly intends to portray herself as such in her bid to replace Spencer Black, the outgoing representative for District 77 in the State Assembly.