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State of Wisconsin news.

I feel like a black person, not just a person.

This was another very intense and tense meeting of the CDA, and quite disturbing. The alternative title for this post was CDA Actions...

Protests everywhere . . .

In several states and throughout Wisconsin.

Anti-Tenant Bill – Back to the Drawing Board

It was a "hot mess" as the kids say! So many issues with AB561/SB466 were raised during testimony yesterday, that they have to redraft the bill or make multiple amendments to clarify and fix unintended consequences.

Wisconsin Tenants About to Get Screwed

There's just no other way to put it . . . see what fresh new hell the Republican landlords have in store . . . 2 hearings and one vote on Wednesday, even tho it just got a bill number and became public late Monday.

Think Globally but Pay Attention Locally…

The Village of Cottage Grove meeting this week was very telling of four members of the board. This item: e. Ad Hoc...

Intimidation of political signature-gatherers in Wauwatosa?

While attempting to collect signatures for my friend John Pokrandt's State Assembly campaign on the sidewalk outside of Jefferson Elementary School in Wauwatosa this...
Round Up

Thursday Round Up – 9/24/19

News, gardening events, looking for hosts for international students, fair housing training, Tenant Resource Center volunteers needed, etc.

Wisconsin Primary Election Day – August 9th

In what seems like is happening almost monthly in WI, another election day is upon us. Tuesday August 9th is the partisan primary...

It’s NOT Working at The State Journal!

Recently, Capital Newspapers announce that they had cut 26 more jobs. Which is surprising since you would think that their union busting and...

GOP Bickers Over Zoo Interchange, Ped, Bike Funding Still in Flux

While Wisconsin’s mainstream media degenerate into covering the dispute between Assembly and Senate Republicans over whether the Zoo interchange should be delayed, I checked...


Given the new perspective I have gotten working on the ground with homeless persons in the last few years, I don't even know where to begin with the list of things I am grateful for - because just the smallest things we all take for granted - like being able to change out of wet socks when I step in a puddle and then warm up - have all taken on new meaning. And with the recent Race to Equity report, I've relearned what a privilege it is to be white in this community. So I can't really make that list, but here is one good example of what I am thankful for, for so many reasons.

TDA Economic Benefit Claims Are Not To Be Interpreted Literally

In the midst of their "Just Fix It" Campaign, the Transportation Development Association of Wisconsin is touting a fresh report they commissioned from UW-Whitewater...