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State of Wisconsin news.

Scott Walker’s Next Bomb?

Coming soon but conveniently after the conclusion of state elections, Scott Walker will announce his plan for state infrastructure spending. While his administration has been tight-lipped about what the plan contains, there are hints of the general direction it will take.

Where Should the Homeless Go?

Madison still wants to know! Coming soon to a neighborhood near you?

Occupy Needs . . .

Ok - people keep asking me what they can do for Occupy, and here's the list . . .

Vote Andy Jorgensen!

Due to redistricting, which was done unethically and in complete secrecy, and is now costing Wisconsin taxpayers close to $2,000,000 that could have been...

Desperate Times, Call for Desperate Measures!

Summer 2012, the Wisconsin republicans had the world by the balls. They had control over the State Assembly, the State Senate, the...

Occupy Update

Today is day four of being back at the 800 E Washington site and the police or other city departments have not been back to ask people to leave or inspect the camp.

Financing Voodoo for the Edgewater – $66 Million!

No big deal, don't pay attention. Won't effect us.

Double Feature Tonight At the Barrymore

Getting tired of the Wisconsin State Journal giving you a watered down version of the news and basically no coverage of the damage that...

Support Housing and Homelessness Resolutions at HHN Tonight!

So, the Health and Human Needs Committee of Dane County will be looking at several amendments tonight on housing and homelessness. I have no idea how people would know if you don't know a supervisor who gave them to you, but here they are!

New Rule – Voting

New Rule: When the Wisconsin Republican Party, prosecutes BS likes this: n the town of Albion, new residents and young people who have...

The Craziness in District 46!

Wisconsin's District 46, has been very ably represented by Sun Prairie Democrat Gary Hebl. Since Representative Hebl has the market cornered on...

That Was Then, This is Now!

Madison Radio Hate sqwuacker Vicki Mckenna, appears to be trying to bring back the Monkees song from 1986. Which is actually a nice...