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State of Wisconsin news.

Hulsey Really Blows It – Not Trustworthy.

Spencer Black rethinking his endorsement. Kristin has a big chunk of the story. Here's the latest statement: Date: Saturday, October 30, 2010, 9:24...

Solidarity for Verizon strikers from Wisconsin

FYI: US Uncut-WI will meet again to plan more solidarity actions at 6pm on Friday, Aug. 19 at MATC Downtown. When workers rights were under...

Demolition Notification System Up and Running

Sign up to find out when demolitions are proposed!Update on Demolition Notification systemThe Demolition Notification system was recently activated. The system was developed to...

Random Thoughts….

I went to the District 48 candidate forum at Talula tonight. I arrived late and was only able to see the last half...

New Rule

With Apologies to Bill Maher, I thought I would steal his famous segment. New Rule: You can't advocated...

Good Meeting Tweet, Brings Bad Journalism

Apparently in today's Wisconsin, random "tweets" are now what is classified as news! We have one of the most extreme budgets in our...

Davin Pickell: I Love Bluephies!

But, our family will not be coming back to Bluephies**

SB107 – Landlords’ Rights Bill

It's likely to pass tomorrow (3rd Reading in the Assembly) and for those of you who lost track of all the evil that is...

Yer kidding me . . .

I was doing some research for a project I was working on and look what I found on the internal/employee city website . ....

Brief Wednesday Morning Round Up

Short council meeting . . . instead of a two-nighter, another easy night for the fingers! Apparently, the less I have to do,...

Entitlements? Or Human Rights? Or Criminalization?

Yesterday was Human Rights Day and the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty issued a report card on the Human Right to Housing - we didn't do well.
Safe, decent, affordable housing is a basic human right, recognized globally and defined with specificity in international law. But while the U.S. was a leader in establishing and championing international human rights law and institutions over 60 years ago, and continues to speak out as a leader on the global stage, unfortunately here at home our words do not match our reality.

Let’s GoGo!!!!!

Please help spread the word, it is just as important as donating at this point!