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State of Wisconsin news.

New Rule

With Apologies to Bill Maher, I thought I would steal his famous segment. New Rule: You can't advocated...

A Brief Update on Two New Anti-Tenant Laws

This week there were two new anti-tenant bills that have been circulating up at the capitol. This is a brief update on what I know so far . . . subject to more investigation and interpretation! These will affect not just Madison and Dane County - this one affects ALL Wisconsin tenants!!!

The Mitch Henck Maneuver

Mitch Henck has been a voice in Madison for quite some time. I do not know Mitch Henck personally, but have listened to...

Big Brother is Watching You!

Those are the words of the Wisconsin State Journal, not me.Seriously, the City of Madison is watching you. In 2003 we did a...

Mayor and Council Say Madison Should have Local Control! Don’t ruin our communities!

They are better Republicans than the Republicans in the Assembly . . . could the City be headed to court to challenge Local Control and Uniformity? I wish. I really don't know, but the mayor raises a really, really good issue (read why I love this mayor even tho we don't always agree!). Best quote: Ald. Lauren Cnare "this is about more than being mean to renters, its about ruining neighborhoods"!

All that is uninteresting . ..

So, yesterday in the Wisconsin State Journal, Melanie Conklin accused me of being wonkish in my blogging and too focused on policy. While that...

Cottage Grove – Leadership Institute

It has been said that the people lead and the government follows. There have been many examples of this throughout history. Pressure...

Work is Kicking My Butt

Sorry, I'll return to regular blogging by Wednesday, maybe even tomorrow . . . I've hired some temp people to help out and it...

This is only a test.

Find out where your bus is!If you have taken a Metro Transit bus within the last couple of years, you have likely noticed that...

Video from Day 5 and 6

And more coming!

Camp Kesem

Shameless Plug here! A charity that is very near and dear to me - Camp Kesem is having a fundraising...

UW Sucks at Supporting Off Campus Student Tenants

Ok - I'm going to rant.The UW SUCKS! at supporting UW student tenants who live off campus. This should be a fundamental service...