
State of Wisconsin news.

Anti-Protest Bill in Wisconsin Legislature

I'm a little late on this one . . . public hearing is today . . . started at 11am, may still be in session?

Tony Galli – updated

We brought the recent story of WKOW, and their employee Tony Galli, making the Bradley Foundation's day and attacking a local elementary art teacher....

Camp Quixote and Quixote Village

Olympia Washington . . . perhaps the smallest city by the numbers, but clearly a larger metropolitan area. 50,000 population, roughly.


Governor Walker promised us(among other things) that his administration would help create 250,000 jobs. After two years(of a four year term) the...

Willy Street Eats

I thought this was too important not to pas on. Madison magazine recently posted a list of Willy Street restaurants that will be...

Madison’s Youth Climate Strike, Friday

Thanks to Carrie Sherpelz for passing along this information and the photo!

Why I Left The Catholic Church

They say a picture says 1000 words and this one most certainly does. When the Bishop of my Catholic Church decides to...

The Ghost of Public Education Future

I wrote about this subject recently, but want to expand a little more, on the topic (especially in lieu of the ongoing Madison...

Madison City Council Won’t Stand Up Against Citizen’s United?

Republican Party applauds them!!! What?! The Democrats on our City Council applauded by the Republicans?! I've been asked to explain and I can't. What happened, this should have been a slam dunk. Is it because the Council knows better than Mike McCabe and the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign? Or, they hate the Mayor? Or, they love the Chamber of Commerce and the Madison Area Builders Association?

I’m Speechless

This is one of the hardest posts I ever had to write and to add insult to injury, I completed it and then lost a bunch of work. So I'm just now getting around to trying to post something about what happened last Tuesday. I still can't believe a government could just pick up and relocate a group of people to a remote location out of sight and out of mind and . . . oh, nevermind. The irony of this happening at Thanksgiving just gives me images of what we did to Native Americans early in our country's history . . . I thought we had learned from that, but I guess not.

Scott Walker Slaps Down Blaska

In case you have not heard, Scott Walker's campaign manager, Michael Grebe,  is suing the Madison School District.    Well, Grebe could not sue the...

Tony Galli

UGGG. We all know that Scott Walker is in trouble. His poll numbers are tanking. His absolute love of cronyism at...