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State of Wisconsin news.

Baldwin -> Pocan -> Taylor . . . Roys -> ?

Let the games begin! The dominos are falling. I sure hope that this all works out . . .

Evil Returns . . .

September 13th . . . the Legislature goes back into session. There are two rallies planned for that evening. We're starting to hear what's on the agenda, here's a little taste of the treats they have in store for us!

Some Light Shed on Sunny’s Numbers

Recently The Herald-Independent columnist and writer for the right-wing "think tank" WPRI, recently "reported" on the state of the Monona Grove School District....

What Did You Do On Summer Vacation?

While I worked, we were able to get away for a family vacation in Hayward, WI. Monona Grove School District teacher Brent Schacht...

League of Women Voters Challenges Voter ID

I'm sure they could use your help! I was excited about this for about 2 seconds until I remembered that Prosser is still on the Supreme Court . . . but I think it is important they do this. Find out more and who it will impact.

No Wonder it is so Absurd . . .

The other day I blogged about how absurd running a non-profit can be these days . . . yesterday, I had this chart sitting on my desk and I think I stared at it for an hour, trying to figure out how it got so absurd. A death of a thousand cuts, I guess. Check out the real numbers behind the anecdotes about why nonprofits are struggling, at least for one non-profit I am intimately familiar with.

Thursday Morning Links

As the kids start school today there will be lots of "Scott Walker has saved our schools" misinformation running around the right wing airwaves....

Prosser Cleared?!?!?!

Cross Posted @bloggingblue, because, in lieu of the right wing attack on Justice Bradley and inexcusable defense of Justice Prosser, this story needs...

Paul Ryan Ignores Meeting Request from Jobless Constituents, Locks Them Out

Giving Forward Lookout a sneak peek at this piece, which is running in Socialist Worker tomorrow. We socialists are cool and like to share...

Not In the News Round Up

Well, I haven't really had time to read the news, so I'm presuming these are the types of things that don't get written about . . . see how I did . . .

John Nolen Drive Closed this Weekend

Hopefully, you have already heard about this . . .

Solidarity for Verizon strikers from Wisconsin

FYI: US Uncut-WI will meet again to plan more solidarity actions at 6pm on Friday, Aug. 19 at MATC Downtown. When workers rights were under...