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State of Wisconsin news.

Zoning Code Rewrite

Upcoming meetings right after Labor Day!First, for the Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association (Blair St. to the Yahara River North of E. Washington Ave.) here's the...

You can’t spin your way out of this one.

Is there no end to the lack of understanding of taxes that Zach Brandon will continue to display? Is he so focused on the...

A Drug(store) Problem in Cottage Grove…

The Cottage Grove Planning Commission recently approved the plans for the new CVs/caremark in Cottage Grove, "with almost no debate." ...

ballot box solutions…..

Having spent lots and lots of time at the Capitol, many of the great speakers there keep mentioning recall. Not only of Scott...

An Open Letter to National Conservative Groups from Wisconsin’s Liberal Bloggers

To: Chris Chocola, Club for Growth The Honorable Jim DeMint, junior Senator from the Great State of South Carolina It is with great disappointment that we...

One of these things, is NOT like the other…

Dane County Supervisor Kathleen Falk, recently announced her decision to resign in early October. Falk said she also wanted to give candidates...

RTA Referendum . . . What will the question be?

Last night I attended the Public Works and Transportation Committee of the County Board.  Why you might ask?  For the following item:Res. 69, 2009-10...

It is Time to Tell Scott Walker Not to Cut Wisconsin Off From Progress!

It seems that Jim Doyle has washed his hands of the decision on high speed rail with the recent announcement that he will leave it to Scott Walker to make the call. But the future of Wisconsin is too important to let this happen without making a last stand!

Why Does it Matter if We have No Affordable Housing Plan?

Seriously, isn't our housing affordable here in Madison? Take a look . . .

Demolish houses on 200 E Mifflin surrounding the Frank Lloyd Wright Lamp House?

James Madison Park Neighborhood will be meeting tonight to discuss two proposals from Apex to either demolish several houses on the 200 block of...

Various Labor Panel Discussions

I don't have the video done from the event at the Orpheum yet, but here some more labor panel discussions.

The Legislature has really Destroyed me this week

I keep trying to pay attention and find out if the tenant laws are changing and I guess I'm going to be on pins and needles again all day . . . and all night . . . again . . .