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State of Wisconsin news.

Teacher Appreciation

From My email inbox: If you love to cook/bake you may already know Penzeys, the wonderful Wisc-based spice and herb store. Their newest catalog...

Primary Day!!

Tuesday February 19, 2013 is Wisconsin Primary Day! There are only a couple races on the ballot, but these races are very important!...

Potential for Serious City Staff Ethics Violations

Sometimes when you look at an agenda, you think it might be kind of boring, but this time, I'm really glad I attended. ...

Tuesday Morning Round Up

Yesterday was jam packed with meetings, but once again, plans to try to cover more than one thing were foiled by technology. I...

WTF is Wrong With Our Media

You have all heard something about the United Sportsmen deal lately. Some quick background, it was written into law recently by Scott Suder,...

Water Quality Report – It’s a coming!

Here's the head's up on the report coming out that the community leaders got: May 2, 2008 Dear Neighborhood/Community Leader, ...

The "Other" Presidential Candidates

This year has been worse than ever for third parties, in fact, I bet very few of even the informed readers of this blog...

Whose House? Our House! Is M&I Listening?

On Friday, Take Back the Land held a rally and press conference about a house being foreclosed on by M&I Bank. Check out their proposal on how to match housing with people.

Demolition Notification System Up and Running

Sign up to find out when demolitions are proposed!Update on Demolition Notification systemThe Demolition Notification system was recently activated. The system was developed to...

WSJ: Getting Personal and Just Plain Mean.

It's no surprise, that I'm no fan of the Wisconsin State Journal. Especially the editorial board . . . which can't seem to...

Why I Left The Catholic Church

They say a picture says 1000 words and this one most certainly does. When the Bishop of my Catholic Church decides to...

Wake up and Smell the Coffee!

Especially if your in Verona, WI! Local Verona small business Tuvalu Coffeehouse has come under some scrutiny(both positive and negative) for...