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State of Wisconsin news.

Work is Kicking My Butt

Sorry, I'll return to regular blogging by Wednesday, maybe even tomorrow . . . I've hired some temp people to help out and it...

Tenant Resource Center Rent Party Toninght

Join us tonight for our Rent Party, buy a raffle ticket, enjoy some live music (Electric Spanking), free food, cash bar and help us thank Megin McDonell for her more than 14 years of working at the Tenant Resource Center!

Which Side Are You On?

UPDATE: Josh Eidelson writes to respond to my riff on his piece. These are all good thoughts. Josh did a good job portraying the...

Rent Party and . . .

Megin McDonell is leaving the Tenant Resource Center Celebration! (Whoa! Big changes!)

Salvation Army Cuts Sunday Morning Community Meals

More service cuts, Tenant Resource Center, Community Action Coalition . . . and now, the Salvation Army

Which Recall Elections are Today? And Next Week?

Here's the list.

Meet Randy Hopper

While you have been able to get the latest news on Randy Hopper right here at this humble little blog, there are a...

Board of Estimates Recap

Why we do so many reclasses, a new Finance Director and Overture employee payouts for sick leave . . . with bk comments.

Another City Secret?

Ok, how the hell does this happen? Bids have already gone out for two-way Johnson and Gorham traffic study, a nearly $5M project! Staff have already interviewed the respondents

Step Right Up…..

Wisconsin, the original headquarters of Ringling Brothers circus, which has brought us such acts as Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, Zip...

Misplaced Priorities

The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it. P.J. O'ROURKE, Holidays in Hell The Village Board in...

Overture Discussion at Council Last Night

This was my favorite part of the meeting, so I"m recapping it first. After all, its my birthday and I can do whatever I want, right? And I can't resist a few bk comments.