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State of Wisconsin news.

Support Your Government Access Television!

I've been focusing on the Public part of PEG funding, but the G stands for government and although the city cut the P part...

Library Board Meetings on the Central Library

Not sure how people are supposed to know about these meetings starting this week . . . The Library Board felt it was important...

Tenant Resource Center “Iron Chef” Cook-off Tonight!

5 - 7 Brink Lounge (701 E Washington Ave) . . .

It is Thursday, So Here’s a Round Up

You know the routine . . .

Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System

A topic long over due in our community!!Task Force on Racial Disparities Holding Public Hearings in MadisonThe next public hearing will be held on...

Time is Running Out to Protect Wisconsin’s Comprehensive Planning Law

With the current legislative session set to close on March 15th there are only a few days left to ensure that Wisconsin's comprehensive planning...

What Happened to Brenda’s Blogging?

Seems a little sparse lately. Why?

Surveillance Cameras to protect the Privacy Rights of the Public?

New rules for the use of surveillance cameras by city departments.

DATCP Notices Students!

Wow, I've been in the tenant/landlord business a long time and rarely, if ever, have I seen the state agency (DATCP = Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection) that is supposed to be dealing with tenant/landlord problems step up during the August 15th time period. That changed this year.

When "the City" does Stupid Things

This morning, here's what I found when I came to work . . .When I drove up, a City of Madison truck was just...

Brief Plan Commission Recap

So, I watched it on TV, therefore missed a little, and there wasn't all that much to report. Just a few interesting points...

The Week that Was . . .

Last week, I was on vacation, but there were a few more obscure things that were worthy of comments, so here they are ....