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State of Wisconsin news.

Transpo Fund Amendment Will Not Deliver!

So the proponents of Wisconsin state referendum question #1, a constitutional amendment to protect the transportation fund, put out a video to convince the...

The Plundering of Village(Cottage Grove)Government!

“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” – Thomas...

Where is the Train?

The question on a lot of people’s minds here in Madison is will Scott Walker follow through on his promise to stop the train...

Dane County Republicans Gone Wild!

What more crazy shit could they do? I want someone to apologize for this. I love my facebook friends, check out this awful/crazy press release about Judge Sumi if you haven't already seen it, their behind the scenes explanation of what they really meant and some of the comments from my friends.

More Bad News for the Poor

You're not surprised, right? Need legal services, you might get through the screening if your problem is bad enough.

Housing Diversity Committee – What is the City’s Plan

They plod along with about three or four meetings under their belt . . . and about three or four meetings left . ....

Now, you can have input.

We've named it, decided the major elements and where they will be implemented, put money into funding it, applied for grants, staff started planning it . . . now you can tinker around the edges and we'll call it a public process. Look, you're invited to the first meeting! Classic.

Of The Midnight “Revision” of Paul Revere

I had been meaning to let this go, but it has been on my mind as a microcosm of the political events of recent...

Last Minute Voting Info

Sent to neighborhood leaders to help with questions about today . . .

Sunny Schubert – Have You No Shame?

"The State Department is infested with communists. I have here in my hand a list of 205—a list of names that were made known...

Baldwin -> Pocan -> Taylor . . . Roys -> ?

Let the games begin! The dominos are falling. I sure hope that this all works out . . .

Green Party National Convention – Day One

So far, the Green Party National Convention has failed to disappoint me. Going to these types of events always makes me anxious and...