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State of Wisconsin news.

Ooooooooooo, that feels good . . .

Scratchiti . . . feels good, does nothing.

County’s “Buy Local” Ordinance Made More Effective

Wish the city would re-visit theirs and make it stronger!

Greyhound Update

This is from Greyhound to the alders.I guess, at least they are starting to communicate with the alders, but is this what you want...

Rainbow Bookstore is Doing a Play!

Yup - it's a fundraiser for your favorite bookstore! And a true community treasure that needs your support!

Two more demolitions . . .

CDA demolishes housing taken from African American landlords and another single family home . . . CDAPlease be advised that Dan Rolfs will be...

9th annual Streetball & Block Party

Just passing this along . . . Johnny Winston, Jr.9th Annual Streetball & Block Party“Slam & Jam for Peace”SHORT PRESS RELEASE:The 9th Annual Streetball...

UW Sucks at Supporting Off Campus Student Tenants

Ok - I'm going to rant.The UW SUCKS! at supporting UW student tenants who live off campus. This should be a fundamental service...

League of Women Voters Challenges Voter ID

I'm sure they could use your help! I was excited about this for about 2 seconds until I remembered that Prosser is still on the Supreme Court . . . but I think it is important they do this. Find out more and who it will impact.

Iced In (by Mary Jo Walters)

Make some calls, get updated, ask, when will Marijuana be legal in Wisconsin?

Brenda’s Blog on Autopilot!

The internets are taking over!I'm on vacation this week, I've set up my blog so it posts some items of interest throughout the week...

Vicki Mckenna’s Peer Group

I recently wrote an article about why I personally left the Catholic Church. What summed it all up to me, was a...

Preparing to be Taxed

Non-profits previously tax exempted prepare to be taxed . . . despite recent fixes to the state law.ATTN: Be Prepared - The Tax Man...