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State of Wisconsin news.

Don’t forget . . . .

I agree with Zach.Vote.I was number 3 at 10:30 this morning . . . and that was unusually low for my ward, I'm usually...

Walkable – How the Common Council Scores.

Ok - Subeck beat me to this one, but I went at it with a different angle. Alder Satya Rhodes-Conway sent a link...

Faces of the Green Party

The face of the Green Party looks alot different than it did 4 years ago. It really struck me as people were reading...

Broken Promises.

Apparently, everyone has voted already, but not me. I'm waiting til election day. I'm voting for the Green Party for Cynthia McKinney and...

James Madison Park Shoreline Reconstruction

Slowly but surely, after years of fighting for funding for James Madison Park . . . and then fighting with staff to actually find...

Talk About Bad News Friday . . .

City Assessments are out! And the day after tax day to boot!From: Hanson, MarkSent: Friday, April 16, 2010 1:00 PMTo: ALL ALDERSSubject: 2010...

Kyle Szarzynski: Is Dianne Hesselbein really pro-immigrant?

She certainly intends to portray herself as such in her bid to replace Spencer Black, the outgoing representative for District 77 in the State Assembly.

Worst. Column. EVER!

By now everyone knows that Scott Walker promised as part of his campaign, that he would "create" 250,000 jobs. "get government out...

Fuel Prices for the City of Madison

In the council's quest to get more on-going information about our budget, last Friday we were added to the months updates on fuel prices....

Help the Daily Cardinal Investigate Your Landlord!

This is an interesting approach to the fall dilemma . . . I've often thought what we need is a class action...

Historic James Madison Park Neighborhood – The List

Given Joe Tarr quoted my comments about the historic context of the neighborhood surrounding the Lamp House, I thought I'd share the historic context...

County Budget Amendments – Last Stop/Likely Final Discussions & Decisions

What an odd process. First they announce they won't vote on any amendments til Tuesday, then they vote down two amendments that would...