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State of Wisconsin news.

How many roads should we build?

Last year in the City Budget, we FINALLY got the City Council in on the decision making about roads! The early opportunity to...

Support Tenney Shelter – Buy a Tile!

As the fundraising for the Tenney Park Shelter moves forward, I thought you might be interested in this:Join us as we renew and rebuild...


XTBKSOTYSLDHYSIT? Sometimes the alphabet soup drives me nuts, but if you live in S Madison or drive, walk or bike on John Nolen Drive or Broom or Blair or Wilson or the Bike Trail, you'll want to know what this is . . .

Board of Estimates Preview of Things to Come . . .

This was what happened at the Board of Estimates before they got to the capital budget . . . rifles for cops is...

WSJ: Getting Personal and Just Plain Mean.

It's no surprise, that I'm no fan of the Wisconsin State Journal. Especially the editorial board . . . which can't seem to...

Final Immigration Task Force Meeting: Sheriff told “No.” Again.

Two nights in a row the sheriff was told that people want him to change his policy. This time, he was on the committee, and tensions were running high. In case you missed it, Alder Bidar-Sielaff said he was "racist" and "sexist" at the council meeting and now he accuses her of acting inappropriately. Like I said, tense.

Neighborhoods Denied.

The struggle over neighborhood grants continues. I've worked with others to try to increase funding for neighborhood grants over the years. And...

Teacher Appreciation

From My email inbox: If you love to cook/bake you may already know Penzeys, the wonderful Wisc-based spice and herb store. Their newest catalog...

Dane County Conservatives(should scare you)

Today is primary election day in Wisconsin, so please go vote. I recommend Heidi Wegleitner and Carl Chenoweth. Unfortunately...

Trash Parking. Or Parking Trash?

I got home at 10:00 last night. And Rob was parked in the driveway, so I got to drive in circles for a...

Rent Party and . . .

Megin McDonell is leaving the Tenant Resource Center Celebration! (Whoa! Big changes!)

Open Records request findings…

I recently did an open records request from our Village Board and found a couple very interesting documents that I felt needed to be...