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State of Wisconsin news.

Non-Edgewater Monday Morning Round Up

I'll try not to mention it, not even once!SCHOOL BOARD PUBLIC HEARING TONIGHTOh yeah, if you're not going to the meeting on that-which-shall-not-be-named, there's...

Current Round Up

This one has items from the last 48 hours or so, sorry I missed quite a bit in the last week, will try to do better.

Will the Voter ID bill be in effect in every ward?

The Wisconsin Assembly passed the "Keep Democrats From Voting in Wisconsin" bill in a 60-35 vote (all republicans and inexplicably 2 democrats) voted...

Today’s Must Read

Comes from Dave Zweifel at the Cap Times, with a brilliant way to save money in WI. This kind of vicious...

An Internal Contradiction in Thinking

There is an internal contradiction in thinking among Republicans who are anti-train and anti-transit while at the same time being anti-tax. It is more costly...

The Legislature has really Destroyed me this week

I keep trying to pay attention and find out if the tenant laws are changing and I guess I'm going to be on pins and needles again all day . . . and all night . . . again . . .

Reality of the New Tenant Landlord Laws Sinking In

One painful interaction at a time.

Scott Walker Prepares to Crush Wisconsin’s Economy With Layers of Fresh Pavement

If you read the news today,  you may know about a so-called  "$700 million transportation shortfall" that Scott Walker talked about at an economic...

The Big Friday Round Up

Oh my goodness, where to begin . . .how about the hairbrained ideas coming out of Meadowood  . . . SCREW THE 4TH AMENDMENTIs...

Live Blog of the TIF for Edgewater

An attempted live blog of the meeting to determine process adn procedure to expand the State St. TID #32 (think University Square) to include the Edgewater, since it currently isn't in a TIF district.

This is a BFD: Selkowe endorsed by Madison Teachers, Inc.

With a nod to the Vice President, this is more than a big deal: Vicky Selkowe earns one of the biggest endorsements of the campaign in the 48th Assembly District. Read on the for the release!

What Did You Do On Summer Vacation?

While I worked, we were able to get away for a family vacation in Hayward, WI. Monona Grove School District teacher Brent Schacht...