Council Recap (Part I), Sans Zoning Code Rewrite

Well, I got done what I could, I was triple booked last night. This includes the discussion on the hijacking of the Madison Metro bus for the Republican Senators . . . so enjoy! Part II and III may appear later this week if I have time!

High Speed Rail’s Next Stop: A Public Meeting Near You!

With a little more than a month before Scott Walker takes office and a series of public rallies behind us, the momentum is building...

TRC Silent Auction Tonight!

Brink Lounge, 701 East Washington Ave., 5 - 7 pm . . . check out all the goodies and thank the donors!

Marriage Equality Key to Economic Recovery

An editorial by Henry Sanders, Jr.

Historic James Madison Park Neighborhood – The List

Given Joe Tarr quoted my comments about the historic context of the neighborhood surrounding the Lamp House, I thought I'd share the historic context...

Step Right Up…..

Wisconsin, the original headquarters of Ringling Brothers circus, which has brought us such acts as Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, Zip...

Give Input on School District Goals

Here's your chance to help direct goals for the Madison School District.*Community Engagement Sessions for the MMSD Strategic Plan*You are invited to attend a...

Reporters! Ask the Question! (Updated Twice)

Sigh . . . lovely stories about no one being turned away from shelter . . . but no mention of the following:

D-Day for Public Education

Today is the day that we have been discussing for weeks. Today is the day that the legislature starts discussing public school...

Spring is Here!

A friend of mine recently said she knew it was spring because she shaved her legs . . . I found a better way...

Please stand by . . . .

Um, gotta get my car moved by 8:00 and run some errands, will have a post or two up by noon, they are both...

Cut Food Stamps?

Action Alert from the Wisconsin Council of Churches. This drives me nuts, this is the one benefit that people down on their luck can apply for and get and get quickly. Unlike medical care, disability, housing assistance, child care assistance, etc.