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State of Wisconsin news.

Weather Radios

Need a weather radio? Get one here! Here's the info from the Fire Department.Weather Radio Sales Begin Throughout the CityWeather radio sales...


It seems that yesterday's blog is creating quite the stir. Pat Schneider of the Capital Times chimes in with her comments. And...

Community Meeting on 4 Year Old Kindergarden

Tonight!! Hear from School Board Members and Candidates. Dane County United - Public Assembly-Madison School BoardThursday, April 2, 20097:00 to 8:30 p.m.Covenant...

Two More Demolitions

One single family home . . . making way for a larger house on the lake . . . Please be advised that Douglass...

27 or 32 Minute County Board Recap

Another short night! I'm getting spoiled . . . GETTING STARTEDYou can tell elections are coming up, several people are taking what...

Friday Morning Round Up

Here's what I had time for today. Sorry its late, despite the flu, I went to my board meeting last night and didn't...

And the Killer of the RTA Enabling Legislation Will Be…

I just got back from a meeting hosted by the Wisconsin Urban and Rural Transit Association downtown.  The event featured an impressive array of...

This is What Democracy Cooks Like

They're here!

What a GREAT! Bill

Of course, it has no chance of passing. Just had to point this out. SB511 actually does something good - so it wouldn't...

Zoning Code Rewrite

Upcoming meetings right after Labor Day!First, for the Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association (Blair St. to the Yahara River North of E. Washington Ave.) here's the...

Board of Estimates (Danisco) Recap

Several updates and where issues are at. MPSEA supported in their quest to get rid of residency requirements in exchange for more co-pays...

County Board Recap

Wow. Love the county board - they sure know how to get things done fast! Tho, next time I hear a county...