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State of Wisconsin news.

Walker FAIL! 2 – 1

Building a Stronger Wisconsin Poll Finds Voters Overwhelmingly Think Walker has Gone Too Far in Proposals Related to Public Employees

Another Slow Round Up

My excuse today is that I have the day off, so I slept in. I'm starting this at the time that I normally...

Tenant Resource Center Further Reduces Services

Yeah, bad time to be a tenant in need! SB107 has reduced tenants' rights and will go into effect in a week or two, TRC is reducing services because federal, state and county funding reductions. Yeah, it all rolls down hill! Which makes us all the more thankful for the wonderful community who really helped us out during our fundraiser! The best since 2008! THANK YOU!!!!

Spring Break Monday Round Up

I love spring break, it means more parking spaces, warmer weather and a bit of a break even for those still working cuz no...

Historic Tours of Downtown – Plus A New One!

Check out these tours by the Madison Trust:The Madison Trust for Historic Preservation will be offering a brand new tour this Saturday! Join us...

Shoreland Zoning Hearing Tonight

With all the talk of "saving our lakes" how can something like this be a serious proposal? Thanks to John Hendrick and Ron...

I Know, Poverty Sucks

I don't ever really talk about these things, but I really do know how badly poverty sucks, and I was kind of lucky because it was rural poor, not city poor.

Assembly Votes Today To Destroy Tenant Rights

At 5am this morning, I found out about 9 amendments to AB183 that the Assembly will be voting on today at 1:00 or at some time after that. Guess I better quick figure out what these amendments do . . . .

Pissed off Water Utility Employees

It's been interesting reading email this morning and to see the water utility employee responses to the Mayor's announcement that they need to start...


Yesterday, my blog broke all my "personal best" records. Most visits and page loads in a day. And, it also put me...

Tenant’s Rights Attack – 33 more changes!

Late yesterday afternoon we learned of the newest attack on tenant rights. I gotta admit, when the Republicans attack tenants, they do it completely and thoroughly - and the particularly hate Madison, Fitchburg and Dane County tenants. Check out the long list of things they will be changing if successful.

Remembering . . . One Year Ago Today

Reposted from a year ago.