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State of Wisconsin news.

Whoa, What Just Happened?

Occupy. Summons, Complaint, Motion for Temporary Restraining Order and Brief in Support filed, parties served (they deny it), hearing held, no order issued but an agreement reached that people can stay past noon on Monday (til 4:00), structures (hoophouses) can stay til Wedensday at noon no matter what and after a hearing on Monday at 4:00 they may be able to stay even longer!

The City’s Pest Control Program

In 2004, the City of Madison revised our policy regarding Pest Management on City properties in an effort to eliminate or further reduce pesticide...

No Loitering in Parks!

Another Park: More Rules, More Cameras.I meant to go to the Parks meeting on Wednesday, but was working and ran out of time...

Free Tours!

Of Madison Conservation Parks. The first one was yesterday, but there are more . . . Madison Parks will be hosting free monthly...

(Partial) County Board Organizational Meeting Recap

So, I didn't exactly watch this meeting, I listened to it over the live stream while I was at the city council meeting. ...

Cottage Grove is open for business….or is it?

After a long, secret and unsuccessful courtship of Walgreens which included a costly and controversial change from a roundabout to new stop lights. ...

Need An Attorney, Ask the Court to Appoint One!

Usually, they only appoint attorneys in criminal cases or in guardian ad litem cases, but now, you can (and should in some cases) ask...

Cut Food Stamps?

Action Alert from the Wisconsin Council of Churches. This drives me nuts, this is the one benefit that people down on their luck can apply for and get and get quickly. Unlike medical care, disability, housing assistance, child care assistance, etc.


Well, I wrote this morning's blog . . . then lost it. I have to run to meetings, will try to recover what...

Clerk’s Office Extended Hours for Absentee Voting

From the clerk's office:The Clerk's Office will be extending its hours for absentee voting the three weeks prior to the Presidential Election. We...

A "Progressive State of the City"

Ok - through a rather nasty cyber-attack, an alleged friend of mine challenged me to lay out what a progressives state of the city...

The County Mardi Gras Week Ahead . . .

Unlike the city, they do have meetings on Tuesday!MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 20101:00 p.m. Public Health Madison & Dane County - Strategic Planning Retreat ......