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State of Wisconsin news.

Air Quality Watch

Ride the bus! But it won't be free!The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is issuing an Air Quality Watch for Particle Pollution for...

Friday, Monday, Tuesday Morning Round Up

Slackin' on the round up again . . .

Snow. &*^%$! Snow.

I'm so sick of the snow I can hardly do another post about it. Apparently, according to Channel 3, out of the last...

Is a Rollback of Car Insurance Minimum Coverage Needed?

On the surface there seems to be a tension between protecting people from a relatively slight risk of excessive bodily injury costs versus saving an inconclusive amount of money on their insurance. Why not provide both? Keep the 2009 minimums and help Wisconsin motorists save money by promoting Pay As You Drive (PAYD) car insurance to allow Wisconsin's drivers to control their costs. As an added benefit, research has shown that PAYD can reduce crash rates and congestion.

The Mitch Henck Maneuver

Mitch Henck has been a voice in Madison for quite some time. I do not know Mitch Henck personally, but have listened to...

My Testimony

The Monona Grove School District recently held series of public hearings regarding proposed budget reductions in the district. As a district...

To Merge or Not To Merge….

In the Village of Cottage Grove and the Town of Cottage Grove that really is not the question of the moment. The question...

Cut Food Stamps?

Action Alert from the Wisconsin Council of Churches. This drives me nuts, this is the one benefit that people down on their luck can apply for and get and get quickly. Unlike medical care, disability, housing assistance, child care assistance, etc.

How Will Madison Be Stimulated?

Are these your priorities for how the City spends its stimulus money? Here's a summaryPOLICE - $0- COPS Hiring Recovery Program - Competitive...

Evers Rocks the Budget!

Curious how he pays for everything. Here's Governor Evers Budget address.

Police – Why is timely information so hard to get?

First, a compliment!The downtown police Captain Mary Schauf and the person assigned to the Tenney Lapham Neighborhood Tim Radke have been WONDERFUL to work...

Not In the News Round Up

Well, I haven't really had time to read the news, so I'm presuming these are the types of things that don't get written about . . . see how I did . . .