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State of Wisconsin news.

Walker FAIL! 2 – 1

Building a Stronger Wisconsin Poll Finds Voters Overwhelmingly Think Walker has Gone Too Far in Proposals Related to Public Employees

Now, you can have input.

We've named it, decided the major elements and where they will be implemented, put money into funding it, applied for grants, staff started planning it . . . now you can tinker around the edges and we'll call it a public process. Look, you're invited to the first meeting! Classic.

I Know, Poverty Sucks

I don't ever really talk about these things, but I really do know how badly poverty sucks, and I was kind of lucky because it was rural poor, not city poor.

Occupy: Should They Stay or Should they Go Now?

Police are telling them one thing, the court and the city attorney said another . . .

Clean Sweep

Here's the details . . . Clean Sweep Household Hazardous Waste Site Announces 2008 Season Opening:Site Open on Friday May 2ndMadison WI, April 23,...

CDA giving it away!

No kidding! Apparently, they have money to spare! Yet another meeting I should have gone to, but instead chose to stay at...

Um . . . you know what to do!!!

Vote!!!If you don't know where . . . check here!!

CDBG Priorities?

Are these your priorities? This is what is listed in the Annual Plan for 2010. CDBG will be having their hearing Thursday...

Assembly Votes Today To Destroy Tenant Rights

At 5am this morning, I found out about 9 amendments to AB183 that the Assembly will be voting on today at 1:00 or at some time after that. Guess I better quick figure out what these amendments do . . . .

E Washington BUILD still on hold!

This meeting was scheduled a month ago so we could get an update on what staff has been doing for the last year to...

1/4 Million Dollars for Government Access TV?

Will the city pick up the tab? We know our city government elected officials jettisoned public access television, will they be as quick...

Vicky Selkowe earns endorsement of entire Madison School Board in AD48 race

Remember, ForwardLookout is a multi-author blog, and we're not all supporting the same candidates. I'm supporting Vicky Selkowe, and I thought this was pretty impressive news: in very strong Democratic field, today she announced the endorsement of every elected member of the Madison School Board. Now, I'm biased, but more and more I'm hearing her described as 'front-runner'... read on for the announcement!