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State of Wisconsin news.

Another dying local paper?

First, it was the Cap Times, then the Isthmus, now the Wisconsin State Journal?In just a few short months, the City of Madison has...

John Nolen Drive Closed this Weekend

Hopefully, you have already heard about this . . .

More to come . . .

I have the next two days off, and lots to blog, it just won't be on my regular schedule. So check back.

Stay tuned.

I have the day off, so I slept in . . . to find out what happened at plan commission last night, here's a...

Friday Morning Round Up

I now have 12 posts I want to try to finish this weekend . . . unless I get distracted by something . ....

When “welfare” isn’t welfare

The short answer apparently is when the recipients are white and middle class. At least that's what I get from Chuck Lacasse of DePere in...

Current Round Up

This one has items from the last 48 hours or so, sorry I missed quite a bit in the last week, will try to do better.

Watchdog: 25 years of Muckraking and Rabblerousing

Bill Lueders from the Isthmus shares some of his writings from the past few years . . . catch my interview on his book! Ok,...

City Budget: Not Good News

Here's some news you don't really want to hear. But, its the reason I pushed so hard for us to get quarterly...

Railroad Tracks Revelations

Dan Melton reports on a walk along the tracks with officials in preparation for high speed rail . . . they seemed to learn...

Moratorium on Downtown Alcohol Licenses doesn’t add up.

In the blur of the last month, there are a few things that I haven't paid enough attention to. I was reminded of...

Property Tax Exemption Party

Time to Party! Then get back to work and fix the rest of it! (Hope you can read this . ....