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State of Wisconsin news.

Neighborhood Summit on the “Broken” Process

Here's the official invite.

Live Blog of the TIF for Edgewater

An attempted live blog of the meeting to determine process adn procedure to expand the State St. TID #32 (think University Square) to include the Edgewater, since it currently isn't in a TIF district.

Friday, Monday, Tuesday Morning Round Up

Slackin' on the round up again . . .

The other 35% of the City Meetings for this week, so far.

Turns out, the 13 meetings that were on the agenda yesterday were only 65% of the meetings that we know of for the week....


7 buildings for the Erdman proposal.

The Dane County Conservation Fund in 2011

This spring, the State Journal asked Dane County Board candidates if we should spend money on land acquisitions through the Dane County Conservation Fund. As we approach Budget Season, it’s worth noting the answer to that question isn’t “Yes”, it’s “Hell Yes.” Here’s why.

High Speed Rail Updates for the City

This is the discussion and updates from CCOC (Common Council Organizational Committee) on Tuesday, and some of the concerns and some really good questions from some of the alders. With [bk comments.]

DCB Exec Comm: 3 Important Issues Thursday at 6!

The Executive Committee of the Dane County Board meets at 6:00 p.m. in Room 310 of the City-County Building on July 8, 2010.  Here's the agenda with accompanying resolutions: EX20100708attach.pdf

The Great Great Plains – and what Madison can learn about economic development

Work at Epic? It may be the best thing you can do for Madison is to quit your job. [...]

Thought Google Gigabit fiber was cool? Check out the UW’s 100-Gigabit network

In the rare holiday-Friday news that isn't bad, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration announced today that they were funding a $62.5M 100 Gigabit network upgrade for a consortium that includes UW-Madison.

TGIF Round Up

A full week of round up, computers are all fixed, I have access to all my notes and pictures again. All is good....

Businesses in the downtown: more openings than closings

This is a good trend: more businesses are opening (21) in the downtown than are closing (9). I think I knew about most of these, but it was pretty impressive to see the full list. Thanks to Mary Carbine of the Central Business Improvement District for the list.