
State of Wisconsin news.

Anti-Democracy Full Speed Ahead!

Even if you don't care about the 50+ tenant landlord law changes in AB183 (22 tenants rights at the state level and 25 or more at the local level), you should care about the sham that the Assembly Republicans, Realtors Association and Madison Area Apartment Association are making out of our democracy. Bill passed in 15 days or less?

Madison Schools Make Up Plan

Revolution or not, the kids still have to be in school a certain amount of time, so here's the plan to add a few minutes to the school day to make up for the days kids walked out and teachers didn't show up.

Local Progressive Talk

We all know by now that Sly in the Morning and the local news team, on 1670 WTDY was ambushed and fired the day...

Early Monday Morning Round Up

For the third workday in a row, I have a meeting 8am or before . . . this just has to stop! It...

Worst Reporting Ever?

Or . . ..

Evers Rocks the Budget!

Curious how he pays for everything. Here's Governor Evers Budget address.

Baldwin -> Pocan -> Taylor . . . Roys -> ?

Let the games begin! The dominos are falling. I sure hope that this all works out . . .

Homeless Funding in Evers Budget

I went through the plan to see what Governor Evers saying he'd fully fund the recommendation of the Interagency Council on Homelessness really means. Here's what I found. This is no longer a report, its an actual action plan!

Chief Erwin Has To Go!

New Capitol Police Chief Dave Erwin has really put his stamp on the new job since taking over from Charles Tubbs. Unfortunately for the...

Open Records request findings…

I recently did an open records request from our Village Board and found a couple very interesting documents that I felt needed to be...

Anti-Tenant Bill – Back to the Drawing Board

It was a "hot mess" as the kids say! So many issues with AB561/SB466 were raised during testimony yesterday, that they have to redraft the bill or make multiple amendments to clarify and fix unintended consequences.

Elections Matter!

When Judge Colas ruled that parts of ACT 10 were Unconstitutional, the Governor was quick to personally attack Judge Colas but never once mentioned...