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State of Wisconsin news.

Land Banking – Details Emerging

How will the city decide how to spend $5M on land banking? The Economic Development Committee (EDC) discussed initial ideas at their meeting...

Friday Round Up!

8 hours off email can really mess up your day! Especially two days in a row. CHOO CHOOThis little waiting game seems...

A Comment, On Comments,

I moderate some of the comments on Forward Lookout, and there are some that do not get through, let's review why . . .

Paul Ryan Ignores Meeting Request from Jobless Constituents, Locks Them Out

Giving Forward Lookout a sneak peek at this piece, which is running in Socialist Worker tomorrow. We socialists are cool and like to share...

You Know What To Do Today!


Michael Brickman!

The fact that the state of education has deteriorated since Scott Walker has been in power can be summed up in two words -...

Dear Media: Please Research the Declining Returns on Highway Investments

Every couple of weeks, we hear about a $680 million shortfall in the transportation fund.  The unspoken premise being that the projects that are creating...

This is just a little too convenient . . .

Seriously?For those of you not following along closely, this was the meeting where they were supposed to discuss 2011 funding priorities and finally, after...

County Board Endorsements . .. .

County politics is alot more partisan than city politics, and there, they actually have Republicans on the board! Let's take a look see...

Tuesday/Wednesday Round Up

I got another seminar out of the way yesterday, but there was no time for blogging in the morning. So here's an extended...

DMI’s Draft Recommendations for Fixing the “Broken” Development Process

This has passed their Economic Development and Executive Committees and the Board is voting on it tomorrow. If you know anyone on the DMI Board you may want to try talking to them.

WISPIRG Funding Report Follow up

Earlier this week I posted a quick heads up: WISPIRG Releases a Must Read Report on Road Funding. On Wednesday I talked with WISPIRG's...