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State of Wisconsin news.

Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Needs Your Help!

This is an amazing organization that does amazing work . . . to keep all of us who don't have time informed of the role of money in our state politics. A watchdog with a bite! My only complaint is they don't do enough local work, and that is only because what they do is so incredible! Anyways, they got some bad news and need your help!

I finally did it . . .

Yup - I finally did it, my very own blog.I have my own website that is sorely in need of attention, I participate in...

How Do you Make Vicki McKenna Laugh?

Wish death upon all who disagree with republican Governor Scott Walker! Tom in Grafton was Super Caller of the Day! Nothing...

This Summer’s State St. Projects

Wondering what further construction will be happening on State St. this summer? Here's the list! This list was recently provided staff:1) Gilman...

7:30 AM and still . . . they didn’t show us the money!

7:30 AM . . . I was 5 minutes late, but I beat several committee members and staff . . . This was...

TODAY: Clean Air Action Day

The City has declared one for today, here's why and what it means: WHAT HAPPENS City Agencies – Please implement your actions plans for tomorrow. PLEASE NOTE:...

Meeting to discuss Walkers’s $900M Cut to Schools

Scott Walker's path of destruction continues, with a huge cuts to schools and more . . . here's a meeting to try to find out more information about how it will affect the schools and what can be done about it.

City Lobbying Priorities for next State Legislative Session

For some very good reasons, I did not make it to the meeting yesterday where the alders gave their input into this agenda. But here it is . . . do you see anything missing?

1 in 20 renters in Milwaukee Evicted!

Yikes! Good thing Tenant Resource Center just opened an office there . . . but we only have one year of funding ....

Saving the Trees!

As you plan your week, if you are interested in the tree canopy downtown, you might be interested in this . . . Preserving...

Immigration Task Force Public Hearing Cancelled for Tonight.

But there are more hearings coming up . . . .As a member of the Dane County Immigration Task Force, I wanted to make...

Be the Media!

I'm not kidding. You can be the media . . . radio, tv, blog . . . your choice! It kind of sucks to...