News Coverage Round Up
Some of this will be repeats from the other round up, this is the medias version of the same information. And, a little...
Still trying to Catch Up with the Round Up
Here's a whole bunch of things not in the media per se. i.e. no links to local news stories in this post,...
A Little Bit of Fun . ..
With the Raging Grannies! Enjoy!I've had the pleasure of meeting some of the grannies I haven't known before and seeing some of the...
Catching Up Round Up (Partial – Final)
I skipped yesterday and last weekend, so lets see what I can find . . . I'm trying to get two video's...
Recovering from a HOT Sunday (No Attachments) Week Ahead
Well, this is a frustrating week, there are many, many, many discussions on issues with no attachments on the agenda, but I can guarantee...
Call Today to Support a National Housing Trust Fund
National Housing Trust Fund Vote moved to next week. Please call NOW! Take Action!H.R. 4213, the American Jobs, Closing Tax Loopholes,...
Rainy Friday Round Up
Not much today."WORKFORCE HOUSING" AT HILLDALENo controversy, so far. Of course, its not really "low income" housing so I'm not surprised.EDGEWATER JOBSI hope...
Non-Edgewater Round Up
Edgewater free for those of you who are celebrating the big push being over, but this isn't the last you'll hear of it ....
Brenda’s Blog This Week
I worked an extra 20 hours in the last two weeks, so I only need to work 20 this week, and I've already worked...
Non-Edgewater Monday Morning Round Up
I'll try not to mention it, not even once!SCHOOL BOARD PUBLIC HEARING TONIGHTOh yeah, if you're not going to the meeting on that-which-shall-not-be-named, there's...
Non-Edgewater Round Up
Silly, but the Edgwater eclipses so many other things at times, this is one of them, so I separated it out, here's the rest...
Busy Day Round Up
Lots going on tonight, SJC 10th Birthday Party at Olbrich, Immigration Task Force Public Hearing, and What's going to happen to City Channel with...