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State of Wisconsin news.

Remembering . . . One Year Ago Today

Reposted from a year ago.

Mark Staskal and the Most Frustrating Neighborhood Meeting Ever

Here's an interesting dilemma. A mentally ill person who killed his sister 23 years ago has been ordered by a court to be...

3 hours, 40 people, ignored. Fork over more money.

Is this the CDA that promised that it was "more open than any other developer" and that it had the best interests of the...

Opposition to School Referendum

Currently consists of . . . emails to listserves? And they'll decide next Monday if they're going to launch a campaign for the last...

How many roads should we build?

Last year in the City Budget, we FINALLY got the City Council in on the decision making about roads! The early opportunity to...

Housing Diversity Committee Looks at Schools, Race and Income

The Madison School District shared their data with the group and they decided when their next two meetings would be. Compton made some...

Health and Human Needs Committee Talks 2010 Budget

Last Week I attended the County Health and Human Needs meeting to find out why non-profits are being cut 3% and if they were...

WYOU – Documenting the Wisconsin Uprising!

Don't you wish there was an archive of all the video and photos that were taken last spring during the Wisconsin Uprising? Well . . . there could be! There will be!

Crane and Wolf Hunt in Wisconsin

Ribeye in the sky? Should we be hunting endangered species? Speak up tonight.

Good Meeting Tweet, Brings Bad Journalism

Apparently in today's Wisconsin, random "tweets" are now what is classified as news! We have one of the most extreme budgets in our...

Compton and Konkel Together – Also Trouble

Um . . . two in one day? First I agree with Brandon, now Compton? And two different papers reporting these two...

CDA Reaches out to the Common Council

Thanks!Dear AlderAs you know, the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation has asked the CDA to waive part of its fee for our issuance of $185...