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State of Wisconsin news.

TODAY: Rally to Stop the Bailout

I keep trying to think about what I would do to change the world with $700,000,000,000. And, are they saying that capitalism has failed?...

Police Auction

Looking for a new bike?This is from Ald. Robbie Webber:Ah, spring, when the police auction off "recovered and unclaimed property." That means that volume-wise,...

Busy Day Round Up

Lots going on tonight, SJC 10th Birthday Party at Olbrich, Immigration Task Force Public Hearing, and What's going to happen to City Channel with...

The Collins House as a Hacker House

At the most recent James Madison Surplus Property Committee meeting, I testified on an idea I’ve been kicking around about enhancing the local high-tech startup scene in Madison. Wondering what the hell that has to do with James Madison Park? It comes down to Collins House, and if the people who wake up there in the morning should be tourists or hackers.

Vicky for assembly

I attended my first ever candidate announcement the other day when Vicky Selkowe declared her candidacy for the 48th assembly district, replacing Joe Parisi....

Tenant’s Rights Rally Tonight at 5:00

All that is left is for the Assembly to pass SB107 which will prohibit Madison and Dane County from finding local solutions for local problems including removing laws on the books that prohibit a landlord from requiring 3 times the amount of income as rent, protecting people from being required to give their social security number, removing our protections that require a landlord to deny tenants for only housing related arrest and conviction records and limit that to two years, lets a landlord wait to ask you to renew your lease til 1/4 of the lease is over, limits security deposits to one month's rent, and requires check-in and check-out sheets and photos beofre the landlord takes money from your security deposit.

Hello McFly!

Recently Cottage Grove Village Trustee Micah Zielke went on a little rant about local participation in Government during his officer remarks. "I would like...

Social Justice Center Turns 12 years old!

12 years . . . seems like only yesterday. Gives awards to Chuck & Connie Smalley and the TAA!

The Dane County Conservation Fund in 2011

This spring, the State Journal asked Dane County Board candidates if we should spend money on land acquisitions through the Dane County Conservation Fund. As we approach Budget Season, it’s worth noting the answer to that question isn’t “Yes”, it’s “Hell Yes.” Here’s why.

Stopping the Train

What's so scary about a train? Is Blaska right, is that why people voted for Walker, or is there a whole lot more to it? And what happens if they are successful? We lose jobs and millions of dollars in our Wisconsin economy. It makes no sense.

One of these things, is NOT like the other…

Dane County Supervisor Kathleen Falk, recently announced her decision to resign in early October. Falk said she also wanted to give candidates...

Salvation Army Cuts Sunday Morning Community Meals

More service cuts, Tenant Resource Center, Community Action Coalition . . . and now, the Salvation Army