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State of Wisconsin news.

Thinking you need a Union?

Well, learn how to do it yourself! As "management" I probably shouldn't be encouraging this . . . but it would...

Vicki McKenna, Afraid of Debate?

So, I took a week off from blogging and there is so much to catch up on. One of the things that happened...

The Final 2008 Push to Keep TRCs Doors Open!

I know many of you have used TRC as a resource for you, your kids, your friends and neighbors and clients . . ....

Immigration Task Force Public Hearing Cancelled for Tonight.

But there are more hearings coming up . . . .As a member of the Dane County Immigration Task Force, I wanted to make...

Greyhound goes for FOURTH? New Location in less than 2 weeks?

Yeah, I'm not kidding. The press release from yesterday barely had dry ink (it was sent out late) and already they are rethinking...

How Full are our Family Homeless Shelters?

Over-full. I just got an update this morning, here's the run down:THERE ARE MORE FAMILIES WE CAN'T SERVE THAN FAMILIES WE CAN SERVE...

Non-Edgewater Round Up

Silly, but the Edgwater eclipses so many other things at times, this is one of them, so I separated it out, here's the rest...

TRC Rocked! And Join Us Tonight!

Great fundraiser last night! And another tonight. Please thank all our great sponsors, food donors and check out the awesome silent auction . . . several bids were put in last night . . . and you can bid starting at 5:00 - 7:00 at the High Noon tonight!

Tenant Resource Center Further Reduces Services

Yeah, bad time to be a tenant in need! SB107 has reduced tenants' rights and will go into effect in a week or two, TRC is reducing services because federal, state and county funding reductions. Yeah, it all rolls down hill! Which makes us all the more thankful for the wonderful community who really helped us out during our fundraiser! The best since 2008! THANK YOU!!!!

Wisconsin State Journal a Division of the MacIver Institute

We all remember what happened last year, the teachers of the state, led by MTI, stormed the Capitol when ACT10 was introduced. Their...

AAA Bond Rating – One of the Nation’s Strongest Economies

Here's what Moody's has to say about the City's AAA Bond rating, including that we have "one of the nation's strongest economies".MOODY'S ASSIGNS Aaa...

IMPORTANT Downtown Planning Meeting Tomorrow

So, if you live downtown, work downtown, shop downtown, play downtown, now is the time to make your voice heard about what you'd like...