Tivod Brief Council Meeting Recap
It was a short meeting, less than an hour! The library briefing was longer.Looks like the started late as per usual. Schumacher...
Immigration Task Force Begins Working on Its Recommendations
So, this meeting was really an informal discussion with lots of back and forth, so hard to blog, but here's the highlights.They started off...
Short Tuesday Morning Round Up
Being caught up means its a little less lengthy.A TALE OF TWO NEWSPAPERS, WHICH IS RIGHT?Jin's Chicken and Fish Revoked After Many Violations or...
Plan Commissioner Speaks Out . . . Re: Edgewater Process
Or at least attempts to, I'm not exactly sure what happened as he reports he was "squelched" while trying to make the statement. ...
Greyhound Update
This is from Greyhound to the alders.I guess, at least they are starting to communicate with the alders, but is this what you want...
Bill to Help Save Community Television Moving Through Committees
AB721 and SB582 are bills that would restore Public Access funding for stations like WYOU, and it keeps passing through committees will a large...
Monday Morning Round Up . . .
Here's what I have . . . hopefully caught up from last week . . . I think I heard a loon...
Lame Duck County Board Week Ahead
A couple items of interest. Meeting list here, agendas here. There were several meetings listed that didn't have agendas available...
The Edgewaterless (City) Week Ahead
No Edgewater . . . waiting for them to file paperwork, full Landmarks Commission information and TIF application . . . Full properly...
Friday Morning Round Up
Here's what I had time for today. Sorry its late, despite the flu, I went to my board meeting last night and didn't...
This Stinks: Neighbors Appeal of Edgewater
Check this out, I couldn't figure out how the lawyers would have screwed up the number of signatures required to file an appeal. ...
Looks Official, April 20th meeting for Edgewater No Longer the Date
Straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak: Good day to be home sick with the flu and free to blog away ....