
State of Wisconsin news.

Rally for Common Sense Gun Laws Wednesday

A message from Representative Chris Taylor.

Singing for the 1st

Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper. ~Thomas Jefferson, letter to Nathaniel Macon One thing that is common place...

D-Day for Public Education

Today is the day that we have been discussing for weeks. Today is the day that the legislature starts discussing public school...

Cottage Grove – Where Democracy is a dirty word!

We recently held elections in Cottage Grove where Mike Mikalsen, lost his appointed position of Village Board President. The new Village President,...

Will Scott Walker Choose Superhighway Socialism?

Scott Walker will be delivering his third State of the State address tonight at 7pm. Infrastructure is among the five priorities he has been...

Dear Media: Please Research the Declining Returns on Highway Investments

Every couple of weeks, we hear about a $680 million shortfall in the transportation fund.  The unspoken premise being that the projects that are creating...

Desperate Times, Call for Desperate Measures!

Summer 2012, the Wisconsin republicans had the world by the balls. They had control over the State Assembly, the State Senate, the...

Michael Brickman!

The fact that the state of education has deteriorated since Scott Walker has been in power can be summed up in two words -...

Election Day Advice! (Updated)

Go vote! Tell your friends to vote! Tell your family to vote! Tell your co-workers to vote! Take someone to vote with you when you go vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! (and here's who I would vote for . . .)

That Was Then, This is Now!

Madison Radio Hate sqwuacker Vicki Mckenna, appears to be trying to bring back the Monkees song from 1986. Which is actually a nice...

Merit Pay In Education -A Case Study

The Wausau Daily Herald recently penned an Op-Ed stating that under the last legislative session school reform "took a step forward" The reforms establish...

Iced In (by Mary Jo Walters)

Make some calls, get updated, ask, when will Marijuana be legal in Wisconsin?