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State of Wisconsin news.

Want a Free House?

Seriously. It's free.

Silent Auction Items for Tonight

Great holiday shopping opportunities, and you can help a great cause (Tenant Resource Center) at the same time!

Support Housing and Homelessness Resolutions at HHN Tonight!

So, the Health and Human Needs Committee of Dane County will be looking at several amendments tonight on housing and homelessness. I have no idea how people would know if you don't know a supervisor who gave them to you, but here they are!

Budgeting . . . and Republicans.

Today I had the opportunity to hear various state elected Democrats talk a bit about their political struggles in the legislature. I was...

TONIGHT: James Madison Park Neighborhood

For one of the smallest neighborhood groups in Madison as far as geography goes, there is alot going on between Blair and the Capitol...

Local Media Coverage of City Hall

So, is news coverage of local government dying?Tuesday night it was striking to many that the press row in the back of the room...

Not so fast Charter!

So, it turns out, maybe Channel 12 might not be moving to 994?Yesterday at the Board of Estimates Brad Clark informed the group that...

I Wish I Didn’t Have to Believe This

Sexual harrassment in the City of Madison (Big "C") tolerated. This. Looks. Bad.This just made me sick. Let me get...

Milfred: Same old bitterness.

We all knew it was coming, Scott Milfred was just dying to write this. I thought about writing a point by point response...

Hold on

I'm taking an hour or two off this morning and will have a blog or two up before 11:00.

Declining Council Decorum

The last few council meetings have been something just short of chaotic. I've been trying to put my finger on just exactly why...

TRC Milwaukee Extended Hours! Volunteers Needed!

The Tenant Resource Center has funding for one year to try to make a Milwaukee office work. Limited funding, but some funding. ...