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State of Wisconsin news.

CDBG Priorities?

Are these your priorities? This is what is listed in the Annual Plan for 2010. CDBG will be having their hearing Thursday...

Shoreland Zoning Hearing Tonight

With all the talk of "saving our lakes" how can something like this be a serious proposal? Thanks to John Hendrick and Ron...

Community Services 2011 Priorities – In 2 Months or Less

Last Friday morning I spent time at a 3.5 - 4 hour meeting, trying to figure out what was going on with funding for...

Citizens Sound off on THEIR City Committees

When Alder Satya Rhodes-Conway sent out an email to the neighborhood listserves to get people to serve on city committees, as she always does,...

Board of Estimates (Not Much) Recap

Everything on the agenda passed without discussion in about 20 minutes except . . . NEW IT DUDEPaul Kronberger introduced himself. He's been...

Yet Another Demolition

Another house outlived it's practical usefulness?Please be advised that Joan Pregler will be filing a demolition permit application on August 19, 2009 for Plan...

Call Today to Support a National Housing Trust Fund

National Housing Trust Fund Vote moved to next week. Please call NOW! Take Action!H.R. 4213, the American Jobs, Closing Tax Loopholes,...

Housing Diversity Committee – What is the City’s Plan

They plod along with about three or four meetings under their belt . . . and about three or four meetings left . ....

Getting Things Done

I guess elected officials can try to legislate through the media, or they can do the actual work to create and introduce resolutions and...

State Transportation Up at 2pm Today

UPDATE: JFC will not be taking up Transportation Today according to the latest memo.  JFC will meet at 2:30pm today to take up issues listed...

UW Demolition

Another demolition from the demolition alert service . . . Please be advised that Gary Brown will be filing a demolition permit application on...

More of Bruer’s Sexist Behavior

Hmmmm . . . sometimes, you just need to open your eyes . . . and when you don't, sometimes people need to help...