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State of Wisconsin news.

4 or 5 Upcoming Demolitions

We sure seem to demolish quite a bit with little controversy . . . so much for the story that historic preservationists oppose all...

The County Mardi Gras Week Ahead . . .

Unlike the city, they do have meetings on Tuesday!MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 20101:00 p.m. Public Health Madison & Dane County - Strategic Planning Retreat ......

I feel like a black person, not just a person.

This was another very intense and tense meeting of the CDA, and quite disturbing. The alternative title for this post was CDA Actions...

That Radio System – How Many Channels Does Madison Need?

Tuesday night I sat in on the County Public Protection and Judiciary meeting on funding the radio system. They're not used to having...

Parks Rules They Are A Changin’

This week, there were 2 meeting of subcommittees of the Park's Department and they looked at changing or creating policies in about a dozen...

Want Free Stuff?

We got desks, lots and lots of desks . . . and much more, come check it out . . . we also have...

Do We Really Need More Hotel Rooms With Numbers Like These?

And how does that fit into the TIF calculations for the operating revenues, is it possible we are being too optimistic?From the ComptrollerThe 2009...

It might not be obvious but . . .

The snow emergency is on for tonight, park on the ODD side of the street . . . or in the parking ramp -...

Catching Up with the Round Up . . . (Part 1)

As I struggle to use all the vacation that I have before I lose it, I have more time off today . ....

Stay tuned.

I have the day off, so I slept in . . . to find out what happened at plan commission last night, here's a...

Yeah, we won’t be plowing your streets til tomorrow . . .

Live with it! And they don't mention if they will be announcing a snow emergency . . . Here's your snow alert...

What is AT&T up to Now?!

Another fast-tracked piece of legislation with potential wider ranging impacts . . . From the Wisconsin Association of PEG ChannelsWisconsin Association of PEG Channels,...