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State of Wisconsin news.

It’s NOT Working at The State Journal!

Recently, Capital Newspapers announce that they had cut 26 more jobs. Which is surprising since you would think that their union busting and...

Railroad Tracks Revelations

Dan Melton reports on a walk along the tracks with officials in preparation for high speed rail . . . they seemed to learn...

Another Trip to Europe with FANTASTIC results!!

Ok, I think this just shows really poor judgement and it looks terrible, but I'm glad it changed this elected official's mind.

Remembering . . . One Year Ago Today

Reposted from a year ago.

Don’t Take Your Guns To Town…

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall...

Moratorium on Downtown Alcohol Licenses doesn’t add up.

In the blur of the last month, there are a few things that I haven't paid enough attention to. I was reminded of...

Prosser Cleared?!?!?!

Cross Posted @bloggingblue, because, in lieu of the right wing attack on Justice Bradley and inexcusable defense of Justice Prosser, this story needs...

Scott McDonell: Concerned about Roads and Bridges?

Invest in Rail

Help Build a Hoop House this Weekend

Gotta hand it to these Occupy folks . . . they are tenacious and creative. And still here!

20 Supervisors Call for Action on LGBT Civil Rights

Twenty Dane County Supervisors signed a letter on Tuesday asking President Obama and members of Congress from Wisconsin to take action of four items...
wisconsin limits gatherings to 10

Governor Evers limits gatherings to 10 people

Elections still on - local elections must continue.  Expect more closures and cancellations . . . and community services to be cut.

Historic Tours of Downtown – Plus A New One!

Check out these tours by the Madison Trust:The Madison Trust for Historic Preservation will be offering a brand new tour this Saturday! Join us...