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State of Wisconsin news.

How is this supposed to work?

So, the Mayor is trying to remove the political influence on the funding of non-profits by taking them out of the budget process and...

Demolition Watch: 4, 5 & 6

I've now blogged 6 Demolitions since March 25th. I think I plan to keep posting these, so people realize how many demolitions occur...

Recovering from a HOT Sunday (No Attachments) Week Ahead

Well, this is a frustrating week, there are many, many, many discussions on issues with no attachments on the agenda, but I can guarantee...

Miserable Monday and Beyond

So, sad blogging news.

UW Sucks at Supporting Off Campus Student Tenants

Ok - I'm going to rant.The UW SUCKS! at supporting UW student tenants who live off campus. This should be a fundamental service...

Parks Watch Program Training

This is from Kevin Briski from the Parks Department. No one interested downtown? Brittingham? James Madison? Period Garden?Dear ...

Update from Madison Police?

Where are they getting their information from . . . the Assembly is voting today . . . around noon possibly. And, it...

Cracking the Conservative Transportation Frame

With a promised audit of WISDOT in the works, now is a good time to reflect on how conservatives on Wisconsin’s joint audit committee...

Updates on James Madison Park

When your alder doesn't work for you, sometimes you just have to do it yourself. Thanks Joe and Aleen!

Recall Observations

Here is My Letter to The Editor regarding my observations from collecting signatures. Congratulations to everyone who collected signatures for...

An Excuse for a New TV?

If your television is more than 4 years old . . . you might not be able to watch Madison City Channel, Channel 12,...

Thursday Morning Links

As the kids start school today there will be lots of "Scott Walker has saved our schools" misinformation running around the right wing airwaves....