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State of Wisconsin news.

County Budget Amendments – Last Stop/Likely Final Discussions & Decisions

What an odd process. First they announce they won't vote on any amendments til Tuesday, then they vote down two amendments that would...

Costume or No Costume . . . See You Tonight?

I have three events tonight where costumes are encouraged and sometimes expected . . . and I am not a fan of Halloween! ...

UDC Makes Zoning Fun and Interesting!

Ok - that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but . . . they did point out several items of interest and...

What Are You Doing Friday Night?

Personally, I'd like to split myself in three to be at three places at once!First of all, I know I will be here!The Brink...

This is just a little too convenient . . .

Seriously?For those of you not following along closely, this was the meeting where they were supposed to discuss 2011 funding priorities and finally, after...

Spending another evening with the Public Works and Transportation Committee

I went there for the Vehicle Registration Fee discussion . . . but got an extra gem while Supervisors where shifting agendas as they...

RTA Discussion

I was a little surprised by who showed up . . . and who didn't! 7 people spoke against the RTA,...

7:30 AM and still . . . they didn’t show us the money!

7:30 AM . . . I was 5 minutes late, but I beat several committee members and staff . . . This was...

Early Monday Morning Round Up

For the third workday in a row, I have a meeting 8am or before . . . this just has to stop! It...

Bloggers Strike Quickly and Amicably Resolved

So, the world's rules didn't anticipate bloggers . . . and we present a bit of a dilemma in many aspects, but its...

Dane County Board Public Hearing on Budget

Here's the update: Bloggers strike! :)

Community Services Priorities – Show us the money! Not.

First of all, 7:30 am is a shitty time for a meeting for work, especially when I also have a 7pm meeting for work....