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State of Wisconsin news.

I’ve Had it! Have you?

So . . . will we rally to defend more of our rights the state is taking away? I sure hope so.

A Little Bit of Fun . ..

With the Raging Grannies! Enjoy!I've had the pleasure of meeting some of the grannies I haven't known before and seeing some of the...

It’s not just me.

Every once in a while, you read something and have to just smile. A neighborhood activist recently sent me this article about how...

Moratorium on Downtown Alcohol Licenses doesn’t add up.

In the blur of the last month, there are a few things that I haven't paid enough attention to. I was reminded of...

Media, Ethics, Public Right to Know, Right to Privacy and the Law.

Two things have happened recently in the media that has my "public right to know" side of me conflicted with my "individual right to...

Voter Registration Month

I suspect that the people who read my blog don't need this information - but feel free to pass it along . . ....

Capitol Lockdown: New Rules for Today

Today's events of note I know of . . . 12:00 - Arts WI marches to the capitol from the Concourse 1:00 - Trial Resumes 5:00 - Funeral March from Bascom Hill 5:30 - Rally at State St. Side. Now, the rules.

More Demolitions . . .

Two more . . . A gas station and a "likely" moving a house, which usually means they won't do it. DEMOLITION NOTICEPlease...


Yesterday morning, when I woke up after weekend filled with Rob's class reunion in Ripon (Fri.), pulling off a surprise 60th birthday party for...

Election Night Results . . . Kinda . . . .

I thought I had the perfect plan. Get to the Argus early, get an internet connection, find some electricity, have a Guinness and...

Corporations are PEOPLE?!

I think this made all the blood drain from my face and I feel sick. Literally, sick. Read more below...

Sundays Community Meeting

Hope to see everyone Sunday, March 27, 3-4:30 Monona Grove High School Commons 4400 Monona Drive, Monona How did we get here? What do we anticipate with the...