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State of Wisconsin news.

Demolition . . . Or Two . ..

Here's another one . . . Please be advised that Roger Bowden will be filing a demolition permit application on November 15, 2009 for...

Community Services 2011 Priorities – In 2 Months or Less

Last Friday morning I spent time at a 3.5 - 4 hour meeting, trying to figure out what was going on with funding for...

Health and Human Needs Committee Talks 2010 Budget

Last Week I attended the County Health and Human Needs meeting to find out why non-profits are being cut 3% and if they were...

Housing Diversity Committee – What is the City’s Plan

They plod along with about three or four meetings under their belt . . . and about three or four meetings left . ....

Shoud (Ahem) Police Give Tickets for Landlord/Tenant Violations?

Yes! However half the committee is landlords and at least on of them was getting instructions on how to vote from the Apartment...

In Other County News

I attended the Executive Committee because they were talking budget, moratorium on land purchases and RTA and I was in the building. I...

(City) Meetings Added this Week in the Last 48 Hours

Here's some important meetings that weren't on the agenda Monday morning or have since changed, and one I know about that still isn't noticed...

October 1, County Board Recap.

With the County Board meeting coming up on Thursday, I'm feeling guilty for skipping the September 17, County Board meeting and not finishing the...

Cardinal Chuckle

Yesterday I laughed at the Badger Herald . . . today, its the Cardinal . . . how could anyone come to the conclusion...

Round Up

A few quickies . . . too busy at work this week . . . HMMM, THIS BLOG STILL ALIVE?I was kind of interested...

Preview of Council Discussion on Chronic Nuisance Ordinance

Here's what the CCOC had to say . . . Housing takes it up tomorrow (or today/Wednesday) and PSRB has yet to act on...

Dane County Immigration Task Force

Yesterday, I attended the second meeting of the Dane County Immigration Task Force and I found it quite tense, but interesting. ...