
State of Wisconsin news.

Police: Get Tough on Landlords and Limit Subsidized Housing

At Alder Pham-Remmele's request the Common Council members were recently forwarded an email between Alder Thuy Pham-Remmele and Captain Jay Lengfeld that I find...

Demolition Watch: 4, 5 & 6

I've now blogged 6 Demolitions since March 25th. I think I plan to keep posting these, so people realize how many demolitions occur...

Google Fiber – What are our Chances? I think its up to YOU!

After listening to the description last night at the Economic Development Commission, I'm worried and I'd say bad, unless you get involved and help...

Complain About Alternative Transportation on Leap Day!

With this being a leap-year, and the great day fast approaching, I hereby declare February 29th as "Complain about alternative transportation day."   So how about...
governor tony evers

More Governor Evers Appointments

The Governor is going to chair the Interagency Council on Homelessness himself! Awesome.

I did it – did you?

I recently asked people to check with their local politicians, on how they feel about Governor Walkers "budget repair" bill. I sent...

Walker Administration Refuses to Open Capitol Basement

From Chris Taylor . . . no surprises, Walker doesn't want the homeless using the Capitol basement.

Racial Disparities Implementation Team Work

I'd kept half an eye on the Dame County Task Force on Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System, but my interest and hope...

State Transportation Up at 2pm Today

UPDATE: JFC will not be taking up Transportation Today according to the latest memo.  JFC will meet at 2:30pm today to take up issues listed...

I’ve Had it! Have you?

So . . . will we rally to defend more of our rights the state is taking away? I sure hope so.

Scott Walker’s Infrastructure Investment Fail

The Governor provides the perfect example of why we need to dig deeper and do our homework to justify more highway improvements. Today, the average net return on highway investment has dropped below the return of leaving the money in the private sector. That means digging deeper with our research than simply looking at the businesses or municipalities asking for an improvement

Tony Galli – updated

We brought the recent story of WKOW, and their employee Tony Galli, making the Bradley Foundation's day and attacking a local elementary art teacher....