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State of Wisconsin news.

Please stand by . . .

There is a post or two that will be done by 11:00 . . . just too much to do this morning!

Thank you Kathleen!!

Looks like some relatively good news for the services to the community. . . August 24, 2009Dear Members of the Purchase-of -Service Agency Community:I...

Board of Estimates (Danisco) Recap

Several updates and where issues are at. MPSEA supported in their quest to get rid of residency requirements in exchange for more co-pays...

The High Cost of Driving

I thought Robbie Webber's comments on the Mayor's blog post were interesting . . . The email was entitled:It's about time! Mayor Dave explains...

County Board Human Services Hearing Moved!

The date of the Dane County Board hearings on the budget have been moved:Due to concerns that the Public Hearings on the Department of...

RTA Referendum . . . What will the question be?

Last night I attended the Public Works and Transportation Committee of the County Board.  Why you might ask?  For the following item:Res. 69, 2009-10...

And . . . more . . . demolitions

Apex is demolishing buildings on E W Wilson for their hotel . . . 22 unit apartment building, 4 story office building and a...

Budget 2010: This year, all the police department wants is . . .

Here's summary of the memo from Chief Wray to the Mayor . . . warning, there is no end to the man's audacity. ...

More Demolitions . . .

Two more . . . A gas station and a "likely" moving a house, which usually means they won't do it. DEMOLITION NOTICEPlease...

Three More Demolitions . . .

Busy week for demolitions . . . house near Willy & S Baldwin, making room for bigger houses on the lake and a former...

Mayor’s/Metro’s Bus Fare Increase a Failure

Revenue falls short, ridership starts dipping . . . but that's not what the Mayor and Metro staff are selling . . . and...

TIF: Playing Poker with Taxpayer Dollars (Final)

At least that's the way Economic Development Director Tim "I am TIF staff" Cooley sees it . . . This Economic Development Committee meeting...