Free Tours!
Of Madison Conservation Parks. The first one was yesterday, but there are more . . . Madison Parks will be hosting free monthly...
Two More Demolitions
One single family home . . . making way for a larger house on the lake . . . Please be advised that Douglass...
Notice: Your Voter Registration Does Not Match
And the Government Accountability Board won't answer the phone . . . what to do . . . In fact, it happened...
More of Bruer’s Sexist Behavior
Hmmmm . . . sometimes, you just need to open your eyes . . . and when you don't, sometimes people need to help...
Help the Daily Cardinal Investigate Your Landlord!
This is an interesting approach to the fall dilemma . . . I've often thought what we need is a class action...
Board of Estimates Recap
They actually discussed many of the items on this agenda. When can we use Google to plan Madison Metro trips, buying less hybrid...
The Week that Was . . .
Last week, I was on vacation, but there were a few more obscure things that were worthy of comments, so here they are ....
Input Needed on Capital Springs
Here's the info . . . Dane County and Wisconsin DNR to Host Public Information Meeting for Review of Draft Capital Springs State Recreation...
UW Demolition
Another demolition from the demolition alert service . . . Please be advised that Gary Brown will be filing a demolition permit application on...
Public Safety Review Board Recap!
Yeah, that's right, Public Safety Review Board (ahem, Committee). I think I freaked a few people out by showing up. You might...
Northside TIF?
Find out more about it tonight!We invite you to a public meeting where we will discuss setting up a Northside Tax Incremental Financing (TIF)...
Partnership for Prescription Assistance Bus
Will be at Harambee on Saturday . . . The Partnership for Prescription Assistance bus will be at Harambee Friday, July 17, 2009 from...