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State of Wisconsin news.

Vicky Selkowe earns endorsement of entire Madison School Board in AD48 race

Remember, ForwardLookout is a multi-author blog, and we're not all supporting the same candidates. I'm supporting Vicky Selkowe, and I thought this was pretty impressive news: in very strong Democratic field, today she announced the endorsement of every elected member of the Madison School Board. Now, I'm biased, but more and more I'm hearing her described as 'front-runner'... read on for the announcement!

Primary Day!!

Tuesday February 19, 2013 is Wisconsin Primary Day! There are only a couple races on the ballot, but these races are very important!...
Round Up

Thursday Round Up – 9/24/19

News, gardening events, looking for hosts for international students, fair housing training, Tenant Resource Center volunteers needed, etc.

WSJ: Getting Personal and Just Plain Mean.

It's no surprise, that I'm no fan of the Wisconsin State Journal. Especially the editorial board . . . which can't seem to...

Tonights Council Meeting

Here's what I find of interest. Sorry, no links, you'll have to look them up yourselves. I took a break this weekend....

Now THAT is service!!!

A huge kudos to both the City and County Clerk's Offices this morning, for two or three different reasons!First, the County Clerk's office sent...

Call Today to Support a National Housing Trust Fund

National Housing Trust Fund Vote moved to next week. Please call NOW! Take Action!H.R. 4213, the American Jobs, Closing Tax Loopholes,...

All that is uninteresting . ..

So, yesterday in the Wisconsin State Journal, Melanie Conklin accused me of being wonkish in my blogging and too focused on policy. While that...

New Rule – Voting

New Rule: When the Wisconsin Republican Party, prosecutes BS likes this: n the town of Albion, new residents and young people who have...

The Great Great Plains – and what Madison can learn about economic development

Work at Epic? It may be the best thing you can do for Madison is to quit your job. [...]

Wait A Minute, Who Paid for that Trip!?!

A non-profit, so its ok, right? I looked them up yesterday, and look at who it is.Bikes Belong. Sounds like a...

Live Blog of the TIF for Edgewater

An attempted live blog of the meeting to determine process adn procedure to expand the State St. TID #32 (think University Square) to include the Edgewater, since it currently isn't in a TIF district.