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State of Wisconsin news.

The Week that Was . . .

Last week, I was on vacation, but there were a few more obscure things that were worthy of comments, so here they are ....

Cottage Grove Politics

April brings us another election and in Cottage Grove, WI it brings us almost full circle. In the April elections bring the Village...

More from anti-domestic partnership benefits dude . . .

I don't think this dude understands what open records laws are . . . I removed his email and name to prevent him from...

County Board Human Services Hearing Moved!

The date of the Dane County Board hearings on the budget have been moved:Due to concerns that the Public Hearings on the Department of...

Slow Friday Morning Round Up (Updated)

This won't be up for a while, I'm busy working on coverage of the CDA meeting last night where they discussed low offers to...

Dane County Immigration Task Force

Yesterday, I attended the second meeting of the Dane County Immigration Task Force and I found it quite tense, but interesting. ...

That Golden Email – Re: Bus Fares

On Tuesday night, several people made reference to the "Golden email" and I thought I should make it available for those who were interested:From:...

Court Cases for the Revolution

Here's the dates/times on two of them:

Green Party Looking for True Progressive Candidate to Challenge Walker

You can call it being a spoiler if you want, but so far, the choices to challenge Walker are uninspiring.

Notice: Your Voter Registration Does Not Match

And the Government Accountability Board won't answer the phone . . . what to do . . . In fact, it happened...

News Coverage Round Up

Some of this will be repeats from the other round up, this is the medias version of the same information. And, a little...

Monona Grove Budget Reductions!

Monona Grove School District will be holding three meetings regarding the $1.2 million dollars in reductions that we need to make for the next...