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State of Wisconsin news.

Friday Round Up

Stayed up too late . . . check back after 10:30.Sorry, none today, too busy . . .

Miserable Monday and Beyond

So, sad blogging news.

Are Property Rights More Important than Cvil Rights? (Final)

And sewers? It sounds like some alders might think so. This is two weeks old at this point, but the Council will...

Brief Wednesday Morning Round Up

Short council meeting . . . instead of a two-nighter, another easy night for the fingers! Apparently, the less I have to do,...

City Salaries – How About Those High Paid Women!

As the city's press agents are in full damage control mode over this year's budget, I was reminded once again . . ....

Hold your breath.

For the next two days.Or so suggests one of the local kings of sarcasm on one of the neighborhood listserves. Why? The...

Saving the Trees!

As you plan your week, if you are interested in the tree canopy downtown, you might be interested in this . . . Preserving...

Homeless Bills Stalled in Legislature til January

Here is the update from the Wisconsin Coalition Against Homelessness.  This is an initiative both the city and county have given a couple thousands of dollars a year to.

Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System

A topic long over due in our community!!Task Force on Racial Disparities Holding Public Hearings in MadisonThe next public hearing will be held on...

What Happened to Brenda’s Blogging?

Seems a little sparse lately. Why?

On Vacation . . .

Many of you have commented that I haven't blogged much recently, that is because I've been busy trying to leave town for a vacation...

Time is Running Out to Protect Wisconsin’s Comprehensive Planning Law

With the current legislative session set to close on March 15th there are only a few days left to ensure that Wisconsin's comprehensive planning...