Dane County Housing Facts for thedailypage
I can't take it any more. Here's some facts for thedailypage readers (it's a little painful, I don't recommend reading it.):Supply (blue) and...
It seems that yesterday's blog is creating quite the stir. Pat Schneider of the Capital Times chimes in with her comments. And...
Citizens Sound off on THEIR City Committees
When Alder Satya Rhodes-Conway sent out an email to the neighborhood listserves to get people to serve on city committees, as she always does,...
District 2 Race
So, I'm interrupting the regularly scheduled program to answer questions people keep asking me . . . I don't intend to use my...
Milfred: Same old bitterness.
We all knew it was coming, Scott Milfred was just dying to write this. I thought about writing a point by point response...
Charter is fined, but not enough!
I can't say I'm sad to hear this. I see Charter got the high end of the range of fines, but its not...
Comments (Not Quite) Enabled
I can't figure out what is wrong with my code!!Ok - so recent events convinced me to try enabling comments on my blog. ...
5,000 not covered in Mayor’s Low-Income Plan
I'm breaking the (my own) rules. I'm taking a break and blogging mid-day! I try to avoid doing this because I need...
Own an Old House?
If you own an old house, like many of us in the downtown area do, these workshops might be of interest to you! ...
First Snow Update of the Year!!!
Here it is, along with information on how to get your own!!!NO SNOW EMERGENCY!We received our first measurable snow of the season during the...
What does 5 minutes mean?
Tonight, citizens of the City of Madison have an opportunity to give us comments on the 28 Capital Budget and 45 Operating Budget amendments...
Metro Text Alerts
RECEIVE METRO TEXT ALERTSSign Up Today! Receive Metro detour and other service text alerts on your cell phone. Also sign up to receive...